An Ounce of Nurture Goes A Long Way

Our typical curly-style routines can be consumed with complex regimens –  like how often to style curly hair, which products to use on curly hair, how much of each product to use for the healthiest looking curly hair. 

Today's special treatment: An ounce of Nurture Water Locking Gel can and will go a long way if applied correctly. 

Quick question: Do you apply our gel to dry, damp or soaking wet hair? If your answer is: SOAKING WET hair, you are correct!

If you are Looking down on the 6 oz. container (poured intentionally into a large jar to prevent spillage and waste) and think either: not enough product, or too 'expensive' for such a 'little' amount  you are not applying the product with the correct method.   

With six ounces of Nurture Water Locking Gel you should be able to get between 4-6 applications; depending on hair length. This means that one container should carry your curls a long way! 

Unsure of the proper method? Click here to watch our Founder, Rhonda, take you on a step-by-step application journey. 


Team Nurture

Until we talk again, it is our #1 goal to encourage the growth and definition of your beautiful curls.